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When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Typically Begin?

Pregnancy symptoms typically begin in the first few weeks after conception. One of the earliest and most common signs is a missed period.  If more than a week has passed without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, this might indicate pregnancy. However, this symptom can be misleading for those with irregular cycles. Read on


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cervical cancer

Cervical Health Awareness

We really shouldn’t need a “month” to be aware of our cervical health, but it does make us focus even more on it during the month of January. Your cervix is not something you can see so there is really no way you and I can keep an eye on it to make sure it

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Return to School = Return to Health

For some of us school begins again in just a few weeks.  Some will be returning to a physical school building, while others will be firing up their laptops or tablets.             Whether you are returning to school or not, right now is a very good time to think seriously about your health.  You may

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Safe and Supportive Care

You are stronger than you know.