I woke up not feeling so good. This is the 4th day in a row. Feel horrible. Food? No, no thanks. Honestly, I get sick just thinking about food right now.
What is going on with me? Yep, you guessed it. I am pregnant! No, I don’t want to be. Yes, my so-called boyfriend knows I am pregnant. His first response? “Well, I’m sure it is not mine!” The jerk. Deep down he has to know it IS his.
My parents don’t know. No way. And, there is no way I am going to tell them! They would kill me for sure. They would probably even kick me out!
Me, I am so torn up inside! I know I can’t have this baby, but, sometimes, in the quiet of the night, I touch my stomach and wonder what it would be like to be a mom. Babies are so precious. My cousin just had a baby and I just love getting to spend time with them.
But, I know I simply cannot have a baby. I am not ready. I’m too young. I don’t have any money, I am still in high school, I live with my parents, Jake (my boyfriend) will obviously not be ANY help whatsoever. The only solution he could come up with was abortion. He wouldn’t even talk about anything else at all.
What am I going to do? Oh so many things going through my mind—like a 100 things every second it seems! I can’t even think straight at all.
I googled “abortions near me” and called an abortion clinic to get some information. I set up an appointment for an abortion and called my best friend to see if she could drive me up there. Once she got over her shock that I was pregnant, she said she would drive me up there but she said I had to go to this clinic she knows about first. She called them and they could see me that day so she came to get me.
When I entered MyLife Medical Center, I didn’t really know what all I was going there for. From the very beginning, everyone was so nice! The person I met with asked me a couple of questions and then just LISTENED to me! She never tried to convince me to do this or that, just listened to me.
She helped me come up with some answers for me. She didn’t give me the answers. She just asked questions that helped me come to my own conclusions. Wow. How refreshing that was! Just so nice to have someone take a minute and listen to me.
I left the MyLife office with a whole new plan for the future. One that is best for ME. Not the boyfriend (who is soon to be an ex-boyfriend—I don’t need that kind of person in my life). Not for my parents (although I know they will be involved). But, a plan that is right for me! Not going to be easy. But I know the folks at MyLife will always be there for me—no matter what my decision is concerning this pregnancy.
If you are facing some tough decisions about pregnancy. Or if you just need someone to listen to you and help you decide what is the best decision, I suggest you call MyLife Medical Center. Changed my life completely.
Danielle, a client at MyLife Medical Center
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