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How Can Untreated STIs Affect Fertility and Pregnancy?

An unexpected pregnancy brings many emotions and questions, including concerns about your health. If you’re sexually active, you may be wondering how untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs) could affect your fertility and pregnancy.  Understanding these risks can help you make informed decisions about your care. Increased Risk of PID Untreated STIs like chlamydia and gonorrhea


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How STI Testing Works and What to Anticipate

Taking charge of your sexual health is essential when you’re sexually active. The CDC reported that as many as 1 in 5 people in the United States have had an STI. Regular testing ensures that you protect yourself from long-term health complications and get the prompt treatment you need.  You may be wondering about the

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Local Resources: Where to Find STI Testing Near You

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are a significant health concern that can have serious long-term consequences if left untreated.  Regular STI testing is crucial for anyone who is sexually active, as it helps to detect infections early, allowing for timely treatment and reducing the risk of complications. Early detection also prevents the spread of infections to

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STI Testing Locations: Where to Get Tested

If you are sexually active, regular STI testing is crucial for protecting your overall health. The CDC advises individuals with multiple partners to consider getting tested every three to six months. Incorporating STI testing into your routine health screenings is essential because many STIs can be present without showing any signs or symptoms. Proactively managing

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