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What Types of Ultrasounds Are Used During Pregnancy, and When Are They Recommended?

An ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of the body’s internal structures. This technology is essential in pregnancy, providing key insights into the pregnancy’s growth and development within the uterus. Understanding how ultrasounds work and why they are important can help women make informed decisions about their pregnancies. Ultrasounds During Pregnancy Ultrasounds play a


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How to Recognize Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Navigating the signs of early pregnancy can be subtle and deeply personal, as every woman’s experience varies significantly. While some symptoms might be distinctly recognizable, others can be more elusive, making it challenging to determine if you’re pregnant.  It’s important to remember that the early signs of pregnancy are as diverse as the individuals who

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cervical cancer

Cervical Health Awareness

We really shouldn’t need a “month” to be aware of our cervical health, but it does make us focus even more on it during the month of January. Your cervix is not something you can see so there is really no way you and I can keep an eye on it to make sure it

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Human Trafficking Awareness Month

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month.  What is “human trafficking”? states that “Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons or modern-day slavery, is a crime that involves compelling or coercing a person to provide labor or services, or to engage in commercial sex acts. The coercion can be subtle or overt, physical or psychological.” Know anyone

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Return to School = Return to Health

For some of us school begins again in just a few weeks.  Some will be returning to a physical school building, while others will be firing up their laptops or tablets.             Whether you are returning to school or not, right now is a very good time to think seriously about your health.  You may

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A2A program

Pregnant? Overwhelmed? Struggling Financially?

MyLife Medical Center is here to help!             We have a lot of services to help in this kind of situation like:             One of the services we offer to help is called A2A program.  It is a state run program that we have enrolled several of our clients in. Here are just some of

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“Just need someone to talk to.” Danielle’s story

I woke up not feeling so good.  This is the 4th day in a row.  Feel horrible.  Food?  No, no thanks.  Honestly, I get sick just thinking about food right now. What is going on with me?  Yep, you guessed it.  I am pregnant!  No, I don’t want to be.  Yes, my so-called boyfriend knows

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Safe and Supportive Care

You are stronger than you know.