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Abortion: The Very Real Effects Part 1–Physical

Fear, confusion, anger—just a few of the emotions someone facing an unplanned pregnancy may be feeling.

Knowledge is power.  You do have options (even though you may be feeling abortion is your only option!).  You have the right to explore each of your options, ask questions, and learn the truth.  Only then can you make the best decision for YOU.

If someone is pressuring you to have an abortion, you have rights!  No one can force you to have an abortion.  This is YOUR decision to make.  No matter who is trying to pressure you to quickly make this decision, you are the one who will be most affected and, therefore, you need to take the time to consider each of your options.  It is a good idea, however, to include this person (or persons) when you reach out for counseling concerning your options. 

A woman facing an unplanned pregnancy may be told (or feel) she has no choice but to end the pregnancy. The only good decision is a well informed one.  Below is some information that will get her started.  Following up with us here at MyLife is the second step.

Abortion Procedures:

“The Abortion Pill”  Mifeprex/Mifepristone

The FDA has approved the use of this drug in women up to 10 weeks after their last menstrual period.  On the first office visit she will be given mifepristone to swallow, which will eventually cause the death of the baby over the next few days. 

Twenty four to 48 hours after taking the first pill, misoprostol tables are taken which cause cramping that expels the embryo.

It is possible that she may see identifiable parts expelled if she is beyond 8 weeks along.  By 10 weeks along the developing baby is over one inch in length with clearly recognizable arms, legs, hands, and feet. 

Follow up with the doctor occurs one to two weeks after the first pill to determine if the procedure is complete and check of complications.

The risks she needs to be aware of:

**Bleeding:  Some bleeding is to be expected but too much bleeding can be fatal.  Approximately 1 in 100 women bleed enough to require surgery to stop the bleeding. 

**Infection:  If the woman begins feeling weak, having abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea with or without fever while taking these pills should seek medical attention for possible infection due to the medications.

**Undiagnosed ectopic (tubal) pregnancy:  An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg attaches somewhere else in her body, usually in her fallopian tube.  With an ectopic pregnancy she will still show a positive pregnancy test.

**Information is lacking concerning the long-term effects.

Surgical Abortion

To understand the physical effects of abortion, we need to share a simple description of the procedure.  The type of procedure used will depend on how far along you are.  All procedures involve opening the cervix.  The cervix is meant to be tight and closed except when it opens naturally during the process of giving birth.  The cervix is located at the back of the vagina and is the opening to the uterus.  The fetus, or baby, lives in the uterus.  Abortion  procedures include  suctioning and scraping of the uterine walls, insertion into the cervix and uterus by forceps (kind of like tongs), and using a sharp instrument inside of the uterus.  As many as three visits to the abortion clinic may be required.

The risks she needs to be aware of:

As many as 1 in 100 women will have complications following her abortion.

**Bleeding:  Excessive bleeding may be caused by pieces of the baby or placenta having been left in the uterus.  This is called an incomplete abortion.  For the bleeding to stop, in that case, surgery will need to be performed to remove the pieces left behind. 

**Abdominal pain & cramping

**Infection:  An infection following an abortion can be caused by several situations including an incomplete abortion or caused by the insertion of the surgical instruments.  Infection may cause scaring of the pelvic organs, which can lead to future complications such as infertility and increased risk of ectopic pregnancy in the future.

**Damage to internal organs: The cervix and/or uterus may be cut, torn, or punctured by abortion instruments.  This may require surgical require surgery to repair.  If the uterus is punctured, the bowel and bladder may also be injured. 

**Unnecessary abortion:  Anyone seeking an abortion should be aware of the possibility of pay for and suffering through an abortion procedure when there was no viable pregnancy to begin with.  It is very important to have an ultrasound before scheduling an abortion to ensure that the pregnancy is in the uterus (as opposed to an ectopic pregnancy—which occurs outside the uterus) and that the fetus is alive.  Fifteen to twenty percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

Here at MyLife Medical Center we provide free urine pregnancy test AND free ultrasounds. 

We can be your first stop—and it will only cost you a bit of time.  Don’t you want to know for sure?

Click on “make an appointment” or “contact us” right now to find out for sure.

Information obtained from Care-Net, Foundations of Life, & Advice & Aid, Kansas City

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